Johanna Kuiters (1893 - 1973) and Harry Janssen (1924 - 1997)
This drawing of Johanna Kuiters Janssen was made in 1944 Bemen Burg, Germany by fellow slave labourer her son Harry Janssen knew. It was drawn from his mother's picture he carried with him during his forced labour in WW2 Germany. signed: ||-II 44 Biliver Aubey Bremen - Burg
Johanna Kuiters drawing
WW2 Janssen and Verheul histories of starvation, survival and liberation.

From 14 May 1940 to 5 May 1945, the Netherlands was occupied by Nazi Germany. 300,000 Nederlanders were in hiding. 15 year old Harry Janssen was forced to work in Germany. During the forced march, he could smell the burning bodies. After he was granted a visit home, he did not return. To evade capture by the Nazis, Harry became an 'Onder Duiker'. Food and shelter were provided by the Dutch underground.
Harry Janssen KLM chef
Harry Janssen chef at KLM Indonesia and Schiphol, Janssen Verheul family album 1947 - 2015.

Frederik Willem Janssen and Johanna Kuiters; Harry's parents.
Frits and Johanna oldestFrits Johanna at weddingJanssen Kuiters 1970
Janssen Kuiters family album 1940 - 1975, 8 children with spouses and Geertruida van Dongen; mother of Johanna Kuiters.
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