Gaspard Calet DeRapalie (1505 - )
- Janssen Gaspard DeRapalie Abram Colet DeRapalie Breckie Calet DeRapalie DeRapalie DeColigny
Gaspard Calet DeRapalie
Gaspard Calet DeRapalie
Gaspard Calet DeRapalie
b. 1505 at Chatillon, Surlois, France
m. - Janssen (1507 - )
Children (3):
Gaspard DeRapalie (1545 - )
Abram Colet DeRapalie (1547 - )
Breckie Calet DeRapalie (1549 - )
Events in Gaspard Calet DeRapalie (1505 - )'s life
Date Age Event Place Src
1505 Gaspard Calet DeRapalie was born Chatillon, Surlois, France
1545 40 Birth of son Gaspard DeRapalie Antwerp, Belgium
1545 40 colonel in the infantry
1547 42 Birth of son Abram Colet DeRapalie Antwerp, Belgium
1549 44 Birth of daughter Breckie Calet DeRapalie Antwerp, Belgium
Personal Notes:
Gaspard Coligny was the Govenor of Picardie where a John Colet was a lord of Noyen in Picarde. Possibly Gaspard Colet's father was of this family. There is also a possibilty that he is of the house of Cholet to the west of Chatillion. However, this area was under English rule at the time,and no such connection has appeared. He signalized himself during the reigns of Francis I and Henry II, and was made a colonel of infantry, December 22, 1545. He became a protestant, and when the king in 1548, began to enforce the edicts issued against the Protestants with great severity, he was deprived of his commission and compelled to flee to Holland (also recorded as fleeing north to Hainault [Belgium] where he reportedly had family.